
BAM是由丹尼尔·葛斯(Daniel Gass),雅各布·沃克(Jacob Walker)和艾莉森·戴利(Allison Dailey)创立的景观设计师、艺术家和建筑师的多学科团队。BAM的工作源于在公共领域创建装置。在其12年的历史中,BAM已发展成为中国领先的城市和景观设计公司之一,并在北京和上海设有办事处。




BAM is a multidisciplinary team of landscape architects, artists and architects founded by Daniel Gass, Jacob Walker and Allison Dailey. BAM’s work originated from the creation of installations in the public realm.  Over its 12-year history BAM has evolved to become one of China’s leading urban and landscape design firms with offices in Beijing, and Shanghai.  

As new technology and rapid urbanization drastically shape the environment, perceptions of where and what nature is, are slow to be reimagined and continue to become more outdated. As our relationship to nature changes so too does how we value our urban and rural surroundings. BAM believes that just as the constructed landscape is a cultural artifact, the definition of what nature is, lies in CULTURE. Humanity’s varied and culturally conditioned definitions of NATURE are reflected in the urban spaces and infrastructural systems of cities. Now that the majority of humans live in urban conditions, most of the landscapes which humans interact with are constructed, thus to deny the understanding of landscape as a constructed CULTURAL medium devalues its inherent power.

BAM as a design practice typically focuses on the design of urban landscapes. In our definition, The Urban Landscape is everything outside of the buildings and BAM is interest is in all of these spaces in between; the edge conditions, boundaries, and periphery. BAM sees urban landscape as the true material of the city and believes that in the future, landscapes rather than buildings should be the true icons of the city and that the culturally considered landscape is paramount in creating places where people can enjoy living.

Continuous change and evolution have been inherent in BAM’s development.  Although always focused on the landscape spaces of the urban realm BAM’s strategy of ‘just say yes’ has led to an extremely diverse, Ballistic body of work, which fits uncomfortably into traditional definitions of Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Architecture, or Installation. As BAM moves forward and continues to evolve in new and unforeseen ways, our unwavering stance that the landscape is the most important design realm of the 21st century forms a core pillar of our belief.  The perpetual debate within the professions in and around the medium of landscape regarding the relationship of landscape to aesthetics, culture, and the environment further illuminates BAM’s enigmatic slogan “Nature is an Idea.”

+86 010 6592 8862
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